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Explore the fields of personalized marketing, customer modeling and retention best practices.

Agile Marketing 

Agile marketing is an approach to the marketing process that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, visibility, productivity, and delivering high value frequently.
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AI Optimization Bot in Marketing 

AI Optimization Bots are used to simplify the marketing process and deliver a personalized experience for each customer.
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Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation

Artificial intelligence and marketing automation are two advanced tools that allow marketers to automate and optimize tasks across the marketing spectrum.
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B2C Marketing (Definition)

Business to Customer or Consumer is the term used to describe companies marketing directly to customers.
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Building Customer Loyalty for Increased Customer Retention

Every business should focus on building customer loyalty and retention, two factors that maximize customer value over time.
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Cohort Analysis

Cohort analysis is useful to identify customer behavior trends that may be hidden when looking at more general customer analytics data.
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Content Recommendation Engines 

Content Recommendation Engines allow you to engage with customers and deliver personalized experiences on your website or app.
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Control Groups in Marketing

Marketers use control groups to determine the incremental uplift of a marketing activity, accurately attributing impact to campaigns and customer journeys.
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CRM Automation 

CRM automation revolutionizes customer relationship management by automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, enhancing customer engagement, and fostering more efficient and effective customer interactions.
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CRM Database 

A CRM database is a platform designed to fuel a brand’s Customer Relationship Management strategy, from organizing customer data to driving personalized marketing and enhancing customer experiences.
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CRM Marketing

Customer relationship management marketing encompasses all the ecosystem that supports marketers in their effort to build and manage customer relationships.
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Cross-Channel Campaign Management 

Cross-channel campaign management allows brands to orchestrate their campaigns across all channels to deliver the most relevant and personalized messaging to each customer.
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Customer Acquisition vs. Retention Costs

Every business needs to balance their acquisition and retention efforts to maximize revenues and lifetime customer value.
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Customer Attrition

Successfully predicting customer attrition – and proactively preventing it – represents a huge additional potential revenue source for most businesses.
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Customer Behavior Modeling

Customer behavior modeling identifies behaviors among groups of customers to predict how similar customers will behave under similar circumstances.
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Customer Churn Prediction and Prevention

Predicting and preventing customer churn represents a huge additional potential revenue source for every business.
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Customer Data Platform (CDP)

A CDP is software that combines and manages customer data from multiple sources, to maintain a single customer view used for various marketing objectives.
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Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is a key performance indicator measuring the interaction level of customers with a given brand or company.
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Customer Insight Marketing

Customer insight is the first step towards the mutually beneficial one-to-one customer relationships that every marketer strives to create.
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Customer Intelligence

Marketers who leverage customer intelligence are better able to generate long-term loyalty among their customers.
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Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Customer lifecycle marketing offers many benefits to customer-centric businesses, including increased customer engagement, monetization, retention and loyalty.
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Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

The advantages of utilizing Customer Lifetime Value include better customer relationships, more effective marketing and more accurate metrics.
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Customer Micro-Segmentation

Customer micro-segmentation technology empowers marketers to achieve deeper customer understanding and more effective customer marketing.
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Customer Retention

Automated customer retention means using sophisticated software to drive all customer analytics and marketing activities for better results.
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Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction refers to the indication of how a company’s given product or service meet or surpass customer expectations.
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Customer Segmentation

Accurate customer segmentation allows marketers to engage with each customer in the most effective way.
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Customer Segmentation via Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis uses mathematical models to discover groups of similar customers based on the smallest variations among customers within each group.
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Customer Value Maximization

Customer value maximization is about personalizing customer marketing efforts to maximize the total revenues that every customer generates for the company.
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Database Marketing

Database marketing is all about leveraging your customer data to deliver more personalized, relevant and effective marketing messages to your customers.
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Deep Customer Analytics

Deep customer analytics delivers the advanced customer insight which allows marketers to engage with each customer successfully.
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Deep Linking

Deep linking is the practice of leading users from a link to a specific page on a website or in an app.
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Deferred Deep Linking

Deferred deep linking allows brands to engage potential customers using mobile promotions that take non-users to a specific content page inside an app.
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eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce marketing means using services and tactics to drive traffic to online commerce stores, convert that traffic into customers, and retaining those customers post-purchase.
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Email Deliverability 

Email Deliverability is the successful arrival of an email in the recipient’s inbox, without being marked as spam or blocked.
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Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses personalized emails to educate your email list about your product or service.
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Email Segmentation

Email segmentation is an essential tool for personalizing email marketing campaigns.
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Gamification in iGaming

Gamification involves integrating game elements into non-gaming contexts to enhance engagement, retention, and motivation.
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Geofencing Marketing

Geofencing is a location-based marketing strategy that uses various technologies to send personalized content to customers within an established geographic area.
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How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value is the total amount a customer will spend from acquisition through the end of the relationship with a business. The advantages of utilizing Customer Lifetime Value include better customer relationships, more effective marketing and more accurate metrics.
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How to Create Customer Loyalty

Creating customer loyalty with high retention requires you to define brand value, engage in loyalty programs and pursue lost customers.
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In App Marketing 

In-app marketing is any messaging or marketing campaign that is displayed while users are inside or using your brand’s app.
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Increasing Customer Loyalty

Predictive analytics combined with personalized campaign automation helps companies proactively increase customer loyalty.
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Journey Orchestration

Journey orchestration personalizes customer experiences to boost engagement, drive sales, and build loyalty.
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Location-Based Marketing 

Use location-based marketing to send the most relevant content to customers based on their location.
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Machine Learning in Marketing

Machine learning helps marketers segment customers, predict churn, forecast customer LTV and effectively personalize messaging.
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Marketing Action Optimization

Marketing Action Optimization is a methodology of identifying and running the most effective marketing action for each customer.
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Marketing Campaign Orchestration

Marketing orchestration is a comprehensive approach to the customer experience that focuses on optimizing related cross-channel interactions.
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Marketing Incrementality 

Incrementality demonstrates the incremental effect of individual marketing campaigns on business growth.
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Marketing Technology (Martech)

Marketing technology (martech) describes the systems and tools that help marketers better engage with customers.
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Mobile App Analytics 

Mobile app analytics provides brands with insights into the behavior of app users.
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Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that uses multiple channels to reach target audiences including smartphones, tablets, mobile devices, social media, and apps.
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Multi-Touch Attribution

Multi-touch attribution is the marketing method of measuring & determining the value of each touchpoint on its path to conversion.
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Next Best Action Marketing

Next best action marketing is a customer-centric marketing approach that personalizes messaging to generate the desired response for each customer.
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Omnichannel Marketing  

Omnichannel Marketing is the method of promoting products or services across multiple marketing channels, including apps, website, email etc.
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Personalized Marketing

Personalized Marketing is a marketing strategy that is based on the customization of content for each individual customer and/or consumer.
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Personalized Retargeting 

Personalized retargeting allows you to re-engage with your customers and deliver personalized ads after they leave the site.
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Predictive Behavior Modeling

Predictive behavior modeling helps predict the future behavior of customers allowing customer marketers to maximize the effectiveness of their efforts.
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Proximity Marketing 

Proximity marketing targets customers with relevant messages based on their closeness to a specific location.
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Realtime Customer Marketing

Realtime customer marketing is the delivery of highly personalized customer marketing messages to individual customers, at the moment of greatest relevance.
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Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing is the ability to interact with each customer uniquely, based on that customer’s specific wants, needs and preferences.
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RFM Segmentation

RFM segmentation is a great method to identify groups of customers for special treatment. Learn how to use this method to improve your customer marketing.
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Single Customer View

Having a single customer view is essential for organizations to understand and interact with each customer in the most personalized and effective ways.
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Site Search 

Site search is the function that allows users to efficiently search within a website and find relevant content or products. Learn more.
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SMS Marketing 

SMS marketing is the practice of sending SMS or text messages with a marketing message in order to build a relationship with the customers.
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Statistical Significance and Credibility in Marketing

Statistical significance indicates how likely it is that a marketing campaign was directly responsible for its recipients’ behavior.
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The Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel provides marketers with a simple framework to plan the journey customers go through when learning about, engaging with, buying from their brand.
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Web Personalization

Web personalization is the process of creating a customized experience for each person who visits your website.
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Web Push Notifications

Web Push Notifications are a great way to reach and connect to your audience by sending the right message at the right time. Mastering the art of push messages guides brands in their mission to create loyal and long-lasting customer relationships.
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 App Store Optimization (ASO) 

App store optimization allows you to ensure your app is visible to customers in the app store.
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 Smart App Banners

Smart App Banners, also known as Web-to-App banners, help brands convert Web visitors to App users.
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