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Meet Your New Little Helper: Optimove’s AI Copy Assistant

Disclaimer: this blog post wasn’t written by AI. Your next great marketing email could be though. As AI starts to live up to its potential, helping us mere humans in a myriad of ways it can now also help you compile and fine-tune emails on the Optimove platform, proofread and edit your text, generate engaging CTAs and more.

Remember the early noughties (what do you mean you weren’t alive yet?!) when AI started to make its way into our collective marketing consciousness? For those of us long enough in the tooth to remember the birth of digital marketing, most of us didn’t foresee AI’s huge potential at the time. It was hard to see the connection between what we thought we knew about AI (thanks, Matrix and Terminator!) and how as marketers, we could actually use the technology to reach customers, engage them, and power business growth.

How times have changed! 

Today, savvy marketing teams worldwide have revolutionized how they approach marketing, thanks to AI. And as the technology’s applications continue to expand and evolve, so too do the brands that have placed it firmly at the heart of their growth strategy.  

Let’s pause here for a moment to get an idea of how the big guys are using it: 

  • Amazon uses AI algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations to customers based on past purchases, browsing behavior, and other data, such as demographic information. According to a study by McKinsey, up to a whopping 35% of Amazon’s revenue comes from product recommendations. That’s huge. 
  • Netflix uses AI to analyze viewer data and identify trends in content consumption to produce highly original content that viewers will love. Netflix is well aware that original content is a significant factor in driving subscriber growth for the brand – 70% of new subscribers cite original content as a reason for signing up. 
  • Starbucks uses AI-powered mobile ordering and payment systems that allow customers to order and pay for their drinks beforehand. This helps to reduce in-store wait times and by default, elevate the customer experience. According to a study by App Annie, mobile ordering and payment can help increase customer loyalty by up to 30%. 
  • And Coca-Cola uses AI to optimize its marketing campaigns. By using AI to analyze data such as social media engagement, web traffic, and sales data, they can identify the messaging and channels that are the most effective in reaching and engaging customers – and adjust their campaigns accordingly.  

 And that’s just the tip of a very large AI iceberg. Bottom line? AI helps drive business growth! 

OK, how can AI help optimize our email comms? 

Never one to drag our feet when it comes to powering business growth for our customers, since the beginning, we’ve been using AI to help us create a genuinely one-stop-shop customer-led marketing platform – and like AI itself, that too continues to evolve. The latest addition to that platform? AI Copy assistance for email, so your team can address the everyday challenges of shipping email campaigns that count: 

  • Relevance: One of the most prominent challenges marketers face regarding email is creating engaging content relevant to the recipient; if your content isn’t tailored to the recipient’s interests or needs, they’re far less likely to take the desired action – fact! 
  • Personalization: Another challenge we know email marketers face is personalizing content for each recipient. Subject lines, headlines, content … with often thousands, if not tens of thousands of customers, getting it right every time is usually a pretty hit-or-miss affair.  
  • Optimum CTAs: – We’ve all been there … crafting the right CTA to compel a click is almost a science. If your email’s call to action (CTA) isn’t clear, compelling, or easy to follow, you won’t get the results you want.  
  • Content quality: It’s not rocket science; the quality of your email content is critical. It’s all very well crafting a subject line guaranteed to open your email, but you’ve wasted time if the content isn’t engaging, informative,  and valuable.  

How does Optimove’s AI Copy Assistant help you create all that – and then some? 

If you’re a savvy marketer (and you must be because you’re reading this!), you’ll know that from Day 1, the Optimove platform has fully invested in and incorporated AI; it’s the foundation of the platform’s success. Its AI-powered predictive models can rapidly calculate the likelihood of a customer converting, churning, or becoming a high-value customer – and can identify which campaign or journey will yield the highest incremental lift with impressive results. 

Now,  we’re adding generative AI to enable marketers to create the optimum copy for their email campaigns and translate, proofread, and spell-check the content. How does that benefit you? Easy! By incorporating the AI Copy Assistant into your team workflow, you’re not only going to save a lot of time and effort, but you’ll also get a ton of great ideas for email content that you might not have considered otherwise …  

And there’s more: 

Powered by ChatGPT (openAI) integration, our AI Copy Assistant will draft content based on your prompts – so you can quickly generate copy for your email marketing campaigns. And on top of that, you can also use the assistant to ensure your emails are as polished as they are engaging. 

Here’s what our AI Copy Assistant can do for you for your team 

  • The Copy Assistant will help fine-tune messaging, keeping it concise and relevant. So, for example, you can write prompts based on the intended goal of your email templates, such as, “Write me a three-sentence paragraph that advertises an upcoming event on May 5th. The event will focus on AI-led content generation, and the target audience is CRM marketers.”  
  • It’ll also proofread and edit your email copy, spotting errors and suggesting improvements for grammar, spelling, and punctuation – that’s a heck of a lot of time saved! 
  • You can use it to generate ideas for engaging CTAs and subject lines to help boost both Open and CTR rates. 
  • It’ll help you get the most out of your A/B testing by generating different variations of the same content so you can test which performs best. 
  • And it’ll even translate your copy – vraiment! 

Pretty clever, right? 

But perhaps cleverest of all is that our AI Copy Assistant is really, really easy to use – which means you don’t have to spend precious time or resources getting your team up to speed. If you’d like to know how to start shipping emails that convert, you can find out more here.   

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Pauline Fyfe

Pauline is a content writer, copywriter, and marketing professional who specializes in writing for start-ups, scale-ups and growing tech brands. She graduated from Central Saint Martin’s in London with an MA in Design at a time when the Internet was just coming into being. Deciding that’s where her real interests lay, she’s pursued a career focused on digital marketing ever since - and never looked back!